Toastmasters International

Toastmaster WebRing

  • What Is a WebRing? A WebRing is one of the best ways to find great sites. Similar sites are grouped together in rings and each site is linked to another by a simple navigation bar. Rings form a concentration of sites, allowing visitors to quickly find what they are looking for.
  • There is a WebRing for Toastmasters. Follow the link to the Toastmasters WebRing Hub entitled: "Toastmasters Speech Directory and Treasury of Resources." or
  • Anybody with Internet access can explore other Toastmaster Clubs using the WebRing navigation bar. That is, follow the ring for an adventure in Toastmaster web sites.
  • If your Toastmaster club has (and maintains) a club web site, then you and your Club can consider joining the WebRing. Start the process Join The Ring. Joining a Ring consists of filling out a form that submits your Site information (title, URL, and description) to the Ring's RingMaster for approval. You are required to have a User ID so that you can manage your Site over time, as your Site changes or if the RingMaster requests changes.
  • If you do not have your own site, you cannot join a WebRing. WebRings are for websites instead of people. However, you do not need a website to participate in a WebRing Forum (unless the moderator has specific requirements) and need not join a WebRing in order to visit member sites, simply view the list and select a site or use the "next" and "previous" commands to maneuver around the WebRing.


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