Toastmasters International

The timekeeper (also called "Timer") is in charge of keeping the programme running to time.

One of the lessons to be practiced in speech training is that of the expressing a thought within a specific time. Your duty as timer is to keep track of each member’s time in carrying out his or her role as Speaker, Evaluator, Table Topics Speaker, etc. This exercise is an excellent opportunity in practicing communicating instructions—something that we do every day.

Prior to the meeting

  • Confirm scheduled program participants with the Toastmaster and general evaluator.
  • Confirm time required for each prepared speech with the speaker.
  • For the benefit of guests, be sure to emphasize timing rules and how timing signals will be given.

Upon arriving at the meeting

  • Get timing equipment from the Sergeant at Arms.
  • Be sure you understand how to operate the stop watch and signal device, and make certain that timing equipment works.
  • Sit where the signal device can be seen easily by all.

During the meeting

  • When introduced, explain the timing rules and demonstrate the signal device. Throughout the meeting, signal each program participant as indicated below.
  • In addition, signal the chairman, Toastmaster, and Table Topicsmaster with red when they have reached their allotted or agreed upon time.
  • Record each participant’s name and time used.
  • When called to report by the topic master, Toastmaster, or general evaluator, stand by your chair, announced the speaker’s name and the time taken.
  • State those eligible for an award, if your Club issues awards. Generally topic speakers should be +- 15 seconds of allowed time; prepared speakers must be +-30 seconds of alowed time; the ah counter and grammarian must be +-15 seconds of allowed time; all others +-30 seconds. However, these times made vary Club to Club.

After the meeting

  • Return the stop watch and timing signal device to the Sergeant at Arms.
  • Give the completed timer’s report to the Secretary for recording speech times in the minutes, if this is done in your club.

