Toastmasters International
Saturday Toastmasters Meeting

Saturday Toastmasters Club in Bangkok is a friendly multicultural club

The Saturday Toastmasters Club is a club within Division T (Thailand) of District 80.

Our members come from several different countries and all share three things in common: improving our communication and leadership skills, gaining self confidence, and enjoying our meetings for two hours every other Saturday.

As you can imagine from the name, we meet on Saturdays, specifically the first and third Saturday of each month. We welcome guests of all nationalities, ages, and speaking ability. About half of our members are Thai, and half are expatriates from Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, the US, and elsewhere.

You can contact us at, clicking on the link to the left, or just drop in to a regular meeting at 5:15pm on a Saturday. Club members also participate in training seminars and contests with other clubs in Thailand. Please visit our Facebook Page for a complete list of our meetings and events.

If you need help right now and can't wait for the next Saturday Club meeting, you should read our Ten Tips for Public Speaking and Ten Mistakes to Avoid before giving your next presentation.

For more information on clubs in Thailand, refer to the Division T Website .
