Toastmasters International

What's on the program[]

  • Welcome / Introductions (visitors and guests may be asked to introduce themselves).
  • A couple or three [Toast]s
  • Programme alterations
  • Three to five Prepared Speaking Assignements
  • A pause to wet the whistle and grab a bite
  • [Table Topics] -- or impromptu / extemporaneous speaking
  • Evaluations. People giving the prepared speakers some feedback
  • Wordmaster's report
  • Feedback from the General evaluator
  • Awards for best speaker / evaluator / best impromptu speaker
  • Raffle ticket draw
  • Closing remarks from the President and members of the audience

Minimum personnel[]

  • Toastmaster
  • Speakers
  • At least one evaluator (preferably one per speaker)
  • Timekeeper (it's not really possible to be timekeeper and something else. It's a dedicated role)
  • Table Topics chair


  • Wordmaster / Grammarian (sometimes these are two different people)
  • Sometimes up to three people to present a toasts (if that's the custom in your region)
  • General evaluator

Sample Program[]

Agenda for Toastmasters Club (one hour meeting) Meeting Date: date

Next Meeting: date

Theme: theme description

Min. Start: start time

1-2 Welcome by President

1-2 Toastmaster of the Day

1-2 Word of the day

2-3 Toast

5-7 Prepared Speech #1

5-7 Prepared Speech #2

5-7 Prepared Speech #3

2-3 Evaluation of prepared speech #1

2-3 Evaluation of prepared speech #2

2-3 Evaluation of prepared speech #3

2 - 3 Table topics

2-3 Reports to the Toastmaster

  • Wordmaster
  • Timekeeper
  • General Evaluator

1-2 Agenda for the next meeting

Closing by the President

Beef up your program[]

  • Look at Table Topics
  • Have a theme
  • look at a real club program for ideas
  • Download cheat sheets -- look under "links" on the Main Page and click on link you'll find there.
  • Introduce a Quizzmaster.


  • Have the person sit during the meeting and observe and listen to everything that goes on during the program.
  • They jot down interesting facts from speeches, quotes from the participants, or other incidentals that took place during the meeting.
  • During the reports section of the meeting, the quizzmaster stands and asks pointed questions about what has taken place...such as: "What was the first toast of the meeting about tonight?" or "What was the statistic quoted in the speech on world population trends?" or "What was the name of the person who gave "Anne" her first job, in her speech about developing a career?
  • Each of the questions are designed to see how well we listen and observe, which will help us to become better communicators.

Val Albert, DTM, District 53, Region VII, USA
